Cybersecurity for Cities
[FREE COURSE] Cybersecurity for Cities is an eight-part series of online cybersecurity courses designed for elected officials and city staff.
How to safeguard city computer data and networks and set computer use policies for city accounts and equipment.
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Cybersecurity and technology support for large and small cities. Consulting services are free for members of the League of Minnesota…
If your city suspects or believes it has already experienced a data breach or other type of cyber or privacy…
Cities can use AI to make gains in efficiency but should understand the risks around data classification, entering nonpublic data,…
Get tips to avoid Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) fraud, and access a model policy on Safe Electronic Transfers and Payments…
Learn about risks in storing and sharing city data on computers and portable devices, including social media data and policies.
A web-based portal for LMCIT members with information and technical resources to help you prevent network, cyber, and privacy losses.
A League-sponsored Adobe licensing plan allows cities to pool their buying power and achieve competitive pricing on Adobe products.
Steps a city can take to reduce the risk of claims and, importantly, to better serve its citizens.
[FREE COURSE] Cybersecurity for Cities is an eight-part series of online cybersecurity courses designed for elected officials and city staff.
March-April — Eight Different Locations! | Learn about issues that impact your work and discover new ideas.
[FREE COURSE] This mini-course for city clerks explains how modifying human behavior can help to improve cybersecurity in your city.